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At the 64th UN General Assembly in 2009 a National leader said this "We are 192 nations and countries, and we are like Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park. We just speak and nobody implements our decisions. We are mere decoration, without any real substance. We are Speakers’ Corner, no more, no less. We just make speeches and then disappear".

Over the decades that is my view of conventions like 'Scarcity and Fairness'. After having had a day in London people went home...

Like James Brown said "talking Loud and saying nothing". It is so easy to make and post statements on forums like this...I would love to know how many people attended that conference who have been traumatised by experiences of injustice?? I am confident no change will come from that convention!

Those who shout loud about a people suffering, but then do not engage with the people who experience such suffering are (in my humble opinion) arguably worse than those who inflict the suffering. They give false hope!! They just compound harm caused by 'cognitive dissonance' (a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time) for the suffering. Those beliefs being that "we/I/you can change things within your lifetime to permanently stop that suffering" which is juxtapose with never ever actually experiencing seeing or witnessing any changes...anything that could even suggest the end of that suffering for a week!"

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